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To allow new users to integrate better and faster on UODreams, the Quick Start System was created. This system grants those who create a new account or a new character useful benefits for the initial phase of the game.
New Accounts however, receive other bonuses when they create a new character.
The Quick Start System grants benefits to anyone who creates a new account or character, regardless of a group.
Groups that request a transfer will receive, in addition to the benefits of the Quick Start System, also a Guild Transfer Token which gives further benefits to the group's accounts.

New Account
  • Skillcap 720
  • 100.000 gp
  • Pet Bonding Deed Token

Quick Start System
  • Quick Start Armor
  • Quick Start Skill
  • Quick Start Stats
  • Spellbook Set
  • Runebook
  • Weapon Set
  • Summonable Horse

Guild Transfer
  • 500.000 BankCheck
  • Vice versus Virtue Points Token
  • Powerscroll Picker

New Account

When you create a new account and log in to UODreams for the first time, you will receive:

  • Skillcap 720
    • This mechanic is retroactive, so even existing accounts that had not yet reached the skillcap of 720 are brought up to the maximum skillcap.

  • 100,000 gp
    • The amount is added to the banking account, shared among all the characters in the account.

  • Pet Bonding Deed Token
    • This special token allows you to request a "Pet Bonding Deed", the token is Account-Bonded and can only be used by one of the characters in the account, to be opened on the character you want to use it with, as the deed will become non-movable.

Quick Start System

This system can be used by everyone, both for new accounts and for existing ones. So, every new character created will enjoy these bonuses. Below we analyze all the advantages of the Quick Start System:

  • Quick Start Armor
    • An armor that can only be used by its first owner (this is clear from the words "Owned by").

UODreams Quick Start Armor
Hit Chance Increase 10%
Defend Chance Increase 10%
Lower Mana Cost 30%
Lower Reagent Cost 100%
Mana Regeneration 6
Physical Resist 70%
Fire Resist 70%
Cold Resist 70%
Poison Resist 70%
Energy Resist 70%
Strenght Requirement 20
Durability 255/255
Owned By Player Name

UODreams Quick Start Armor
Gargoyles Only
Hit Chance Increase 10%
Defend Chance Increase 10%
Lower Mana Cost 30%
Lower Reagent Cost 100%
Mana Regeneration 6
Physical Resist 70%
Fire Resist 70%
Cold Resist 70%
Poison Resist 70%
Energy Resist 70%
Strenght Requirement 20
Durability 255/255
Owned By Player Name

  • Quick Start Skill
    • This particular cookie allows you to set your skills according to your choices. You will have 480 points at your disposal, which added to the 120 that you set when creating the character, make for a whopping 600 skill points out of 700 (max 720 based on seniority) total. Points cannot be used for the "Spellweaving" skill. It is not possible to bring a skill beyond 100 points!

  • Quick Start Stats
    • These items allow you to raise your character's statistics. There are four of them and they give 90 points, which added to the 90 that you set when creating the character, make a total of 180 stat points out of 225 (max 255 with the "Stat Scrolls" or better known as "SOS").

  • Spellbook Set
    • Spellbooks complete with: Magery (64 scrolls), Necromancy (17 scrolls), Mysticism (16 scrolls), Chivalry (10 scrolls), Bushido (6 scrolls) and Ninjitsu (8 scrolls). 10,000 Tithing Points are also added with the Chivalry book.

  • Runebook
    • A runebook with three useful runes for new players:
    • Luna e New Haven
    • Haven Mine

  • Weapon Set
    • Depending on your race, you will receive two different armor sets in the bag with Hit Mana Leech 30%, Hit Life Leech 20% and Swing Speed Increase 20%, Brittle!
    • Human/Elves: Radiant, Kryss, Diamond Mace e Bow.
    • Gargoyle: Gargish Kryss, Gargish Mace, Gargish Talwar e Boomerang.

  • Summonable Horse
    • On Human and Elves characters, this ethereal mount is also present in the backpack, which can only be used by the character with whom it is received, has a duration of 30 days and has 3 different forms.

  • Quick Start Item Remover
    • is a stone found in New Haven and at the Bank of Britain Felucca and allows you to delete "UODreams Quick Start Skill" and "UODreams Quick Start Stat" when you no longer need them, without having to ask for intervention from a staff member .

Guild Transfer Token

The "Guild Transfer" can only be requested by new players within 15 days of account creation and first login into the game. The Guild Transfer request can be sent to UODreams Staff via a page on the site. Indicating the names of the accounts of the group of players who want to request it. The minimum number of players to request the Guild Transfer is 4. This token will be given to each player in the group, with the following advantages:

The Guild Transfer Token can only be used on the account with which it is requested, it cannot be transferred. Below are the advantages of Guild Transfer:

  • 500.000 BankCheck
    • A Check in backpack of 500.000 gp.

  • Vice versus Virtue Points Token
    • This token (Account-Bonded) adds 10,000 VvV Points to the account, which added to the 2000 VvV Points acquired upon first entry into the system allows you to purchase some items present in the Vice versus Virtue, to be able to use it is necessary to become part of the VvV System.

  • Powerscroll Picker
    • Upon opening the Guild Transfer Token, you will receive 2 level 110 Powerscroll Pickers and 2 level 115 Powerscroll Pickers, Account-Bonded and moveable to allow them to be used on other characters on the account. The Powerscroll Picker shows a gump from which you can choose the Powerscroll you want, once chosen it will appear in the character's backpack without the possibility of moving it. The Powerscroll Picker must therefore be used on the character where you want to drink the Powerscroll.

      • 2 Exalted Powerscroll Picker (110 Powerscroll)
      • 2 Mythical Powerscroll Picker (115 Powerscroll)

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