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Runic Reforging

Runic Reforging is the new "craft" method related to the skill (Imbuing) even if more similar to an enchant, for which it is possible to enchant an armor piece crafted in non-special material (normal ingot, normal wood, normal leather) and without the presence of magical props.

Using Runic Reforge one to 10 uses of runic are used to enchant an armor piece, depending on the options you select when Reforging an item.
To Reforge, you need to have a minimum Imbuing skill base of 65 points, just go to a soulforge and double-click the rune hammer, then instead of the usual craft gump, a viewfinder will come out that will tell you to select a piece to Reforge. if you tag a runic and then a second one there is the possibility to merge them to create a single runic with "overcapped" uses up to a maximum of 100 uses while if you tag the piece to be reforged the Reforging gump will open:

1) Powerful Re-Forging:

Sby electing Powerfull the object will have the possibility to come out with one more props, for example if you Reforge an armor piece with a Kit Barbed you can have a maximum of 4 5 properties, by selecting Powerfull it is possible that one more props will come out therefore the object it can also have 6 properties, but in some cases it can also happen that you receive one property less than normal if the object does not have the space to contain them (weight). Powerfull in addition to improving the basic intensity of the properties also adds a weight limit of +60 to the object being reforged. The resulting object will be repairable and poffable.

2) Structural Re-Forging:

By selecting Structural as with Powerfull, the object will have the possibility to come out with one more props, furthermore the intensities of the properties that come out will be higher than in Powerfull. Structural, in addition to improving the base intensity of the properties, also adds a weight limit of +60 to the object being reforged, stacking with bonuses both to the base intensity of the properties and to the weight of the object with Powerful and Fundamental.
The resulting object will be Brittle with durability 75/75 and therefore not poffable, but repairable with the usual repair deeds.

3) Fortified Re-Forging:

This Option can only be used in combination with Structural Re-Forging, it allows you to double the durability of the object, so if the object that comes out of a Craft with Structural instead of having 75/75 durability it will have 150/150.
Obviously the object remains impoffable but repairable.

4) Fundamental Re-Forging:

By selecting Fundamental you will have more intensity bonuses than an object reforged with Powerful or Structural, always with the possibility of an extra property coming out, but the "cannot be repaired" property will come out. Fundamental in addition to improving the basic strength of the properties also adds a weight limit of +100 to the reforged object that stacks with the bonuses of Powerfull + 60 and Structural +60 = 220 The object that comes out of it will be cannot be repaired, that is, it cannot be poffed or repaired.

5) Integral Re-Forging:

Qthis Option can only be used in combination with Fundamental Re-Forging, it also allows this, like Fortified, to increase the object's durability.

6) Grand Artifice:

Selecting this option will allow you to select the next Artifice, (7) Inspired Artifice.

7) Inspired Artifice:

Selectable only if Grand Artifice (6) is active, when both artifices are active it will be possible to choose a Prefix. (CHOOSE NAME #1)

8) Exalted Artifice:

Can only be activated if the previous two Artifices are activated (6 Grand Artifice, 7 Inspired Artifice)

9) Sublime Artifice:

Can only be activated when the previous three Artifices are active (6 Grand Artifice, 7 Inspired Artifice, 8 Exalted Artifice), when all 4 Artifices are selected it will be possible to choose a Suffix. (CHOOSE NAME #2)

10) Reforge Item

Key used to reforge the selected object, with the various chosen parameters.

-It is also possible to use Reforging as a Randomized Craft, i.e. by simply selecting one or more of the 3 Reforges (Powerful, Structural, Fundamental) without selecting any Prefix or Suffix... The result will be a mix between the properties and the caps that can come out using this method of Craft.
-All Reforges and Artifices can be selected in the same Reforge screen, accumulating their bonuses and thus wasting more runic uses Reforging one piece (max 10 runic uses at a time)
-By selecting more Options you will have the possibility to release objects with higher intensities at the expense of some maluses, among which the maluses on the objects (Brittle, Cannot Be Repaired) and the maluses on the choice of the Props lists (Prefix and Suffix), in fact the more options they choose and the higher the intensity of the runic being used the fewer lists will be available by selecting Prefix or Suffix.
-Once reforged the item can be enchanted with the usual runic enchantment system and/or imbued with Imbuing

Spazio Massimo sugli oggetti Reforgiati

Unlike Imbuing which has its caps on the weight of the various objects by evaluating bonuses on Exceptional or Normal quality, Reforge, based on the runic used and the type of material of the runic, sets a weight limit on the object, a weight limit that can be raised using Powerfull, Structural and Fundamental options (both individually and in stacks). Here are the weight limits that items that are reforged using a certain type of runic/material have.


  • Spined
  • 140 Max Weight

  • Horned
  • 500 Max Weight

  • Barbed
  • 700 Max Weight


  • Dull Copper
  • 200 Max Weight

  • Shadow Iron
  • 200 Max Weight

  • Copper
  • 350 Max Weight

  • Bronze
  • 500 Max Weight

  • Gold
  • 600 Max Weight

  • Agapite
  • 600 Max Weight

  • Verite
  • 700 Max Weight

  • Valorite
  • 750 Max Weight


  • Oak
  • 200 Max Weight

  • Ash
  • 350 Max Weight

  • Yew
  • 500 Max Weight

  • Heartwood
  • 600 Max Weight

    Furthermore, selecting the following properties from the Reforging gump you will be able to add available space to the maximum Weight given by the given runic, the options stack between them and with the weight of the type of runic you are using:


  • Powerfull
  • +60 Max Weight

  • Structural
  • +60 Max Weight

  • Fundamental
  • +100 Max Weight

    This means that if you reforge an item with a Horned kit that gives 500 max space to the item and use Powerfull the item will have a property slot of 560 Weight, if you use both Powerfull and Structural making the item "Brittle" will have a max Weight of 620, if you also use Fundamental making the item "Cannot Be Repaired" you will have a max Weight of 720.


    By selecting the various Artifices as described above, it will be possible to choose a Prefix and a Suffix, i.e. it will be possible to choose from 1 to 2 lists of properties from which to randomize the props that you want to release by Reforging an object, if for example you are Reforging a Leather Tunic selecting Mystic / of Sorcery as prefix and Fortified / of Defense as suffix the name of the object will become "Mystic Tunic Of Defense" with a random of the props that come out of the two lists.
    Obviously, depending on the type of runic being used and the ticks used in the Reforging gump, some options will not be selectable, while others will be. Furthermore, by selecting the Artificers, you will have a lower possibility of intensity on the props that will come out, while simply reforging with the Powerfull with a random system, you will have a much better chance of finding high properties.

    Liste Props e Cap


  • Mighty / of Vitality:
  • Hit Life Leech 70% (Ranged 50%), Hit Point Increase 7, Strength Bonus 5, Hit Point Regeneration 9
  • Mystic / of Sorcery:
  • Hit Mana Leech 70% (Ranged 50%), Mana Increase 10,Intelligence Bonus 5, Lower Mana Cost 10, Mana Regeneration 9
  • Animated / of Haste:
  • Hit Stamina Leech 70% (Ranged 50%), Stamina Increase 10, Dexterity Bonus 5, Stamina Regeneration 9, Swing Speed Increase 40%
  • Arcane / of Wizardry:
  • Hit Mana Leech 70% (Ranged 50%), Hit Mana Drain 70%, Mana Increase 10, Intelligence Bonus 5, Lower Mana Cost 10,Faster casting 1, Spell Channeling, Mage Weapon -15, Mana Regeneration 9
  • Exquisite / of Quality:
  • Self Repair 7, Velocity 50%, Elemental Damage 100%, Durability, Lower Requirements, Slayer, Mage Weapon -15, Spell Channeling, Balanced
  • Vampiric / of the Vampire:
  • Hit Life Leech 70% (Ranged 50%), Hit Mana Leech 70% (Ranged 50%), Hit Stamina Leech 70% (Ranged 50%), Hit Mana Drain 70% (Ranged 50%), Hit Fatigue 70% (Ranged 50%),
  • Invigorating / of Restoration:
  • Hit Point Regeneration 9, Mana Regeneration 9, Stamina Regeneration 9
  • Fortified / of Defense:
  • Physical Resist 20, Fire Resist 20, Cold Resist 20, Poison Resist 20, Energy Resist 20
  • Auspicious / of Fortune:
  • Luck 150 (190 for ranged weapons)
  • Charmed / of Alchemy:
  • Enhance Potions 15 (only available on one-hand weapons), Balanced
  • Vicious / of Slaughter:
  • Hit Spell 70% (Ranged 50%), Hit Area Spell 70% (Ranged 50%), Hit Chance Increase 25% (35% ranged),Damage Increase 70%, Battle Lust
  • Towering / of Aegis:
  • Hit Lower Attack 70% (Ranged 50%), Defense Chance Increase 25% (35% ranged), Reactive Paralyze (2hand weap)

    Use Best Weapon Skill (no ranged), Physical Reflect (15%) e Hit Lower Defense possono uscire solo utilizzando il metodo craft senza suffisso e prefisso di reforging come proprietà random


  • Mighty / of Vitality:
  • Damage Eater 15%, Hit Point Increase 7, Strength Bonus 5, Hit Point Regeneration 4
  • Mystic / of Sorcery:
  • Mana Increase 10, Intelligence Bonus 5, Lower Mana Cost 10, Mana Regeneration 4
  • Animated / of Haste:
  • Stamina Increase 10, Dexterity Bonus 5, Stamina Regeneration 4
  • Arcane / of Wizardry:
  • Mana Increase 10, Intelligence Bonus 5, Lower Mana Cost 10, Mana Regeneration 4, Lower Reagent Cost 25, Casting Focus
  • Exquisite / of Quality:
  • Self Repair 7, Durability, Lower Requirements
  • Invigorating / of Restoration:
  • Hit Point Regeneration 4, Mana Regeneration 4, Stamina Regeneration 4, Damage Eater 15%
  • Fortified / of Defense:
  • Physical Resist 20 (plus base resist), Fire Resist 20 (plus base resist), Cold Resist 20 (plus base resist), Poison Resist 20 (plus base resist), Energy Resist 20 (plus base resist)
  • Auspicious / of Fortune:
  • Luck 150
  • Charmed / of Alchemy:
  • Enhance Potions 3
  • Vicious / of Slaughter:
  • Hit Chance Increase 5% (stackable with heartwood bonus)
  • Towering / of Aegis:
  • Defense Chance Increase 5%, Casting Focus 3%

    Reflect Physical Damage shows as random props


  • Mighty / of Vitality:
  • Damage Eater 15%, Hit Point Increase 7, Strength Bonus 5, Hit Point Regeneration 4
  • Mystic / of Sorcery:
  • Mana Increase 5, Intelligence Bonus 5, Lower Mana Cost 5, Mana Regeneration 4
  • Animated / of Haste:
  • Stamina Increase 5, Dexterity Bonus 5, Stamina Regeneration 4, Swing Speed Increase 10%
  • Arcane / of Wizardry:
  • Mana Increase 5, Intelligence Bonus 5, Lower Mana Cost 5, Mana Regeneration 4
  • Exquisite / of Quality:
  • Self Repair 7, Durability, Lower Requirements
  • Invigorating / of Restoration:
  • Hit Point Regeneration 4, Mana Regeneration 4, Stamina Regeneration 4, Damage Eater 15%
  • Fortified / of Defense:
  • Physical Resist 20 (plus base resist), Fire Resist 20 (plus base resist), Cold Resist 20 (plus base resist), Poison Resist 20 (plus base resist), Energy Resist 20 (plus base resist)
  • Auspicious / of Fortune:
  • Luck 150
  • Vicious / of Slaughter:
  • Hit Chance Increase 5% , Damage Increase 35%
  • Towering / of Aegis:
  • Defense Chance Increase 20%, Soul Charge 30%, Reactive Paralyze

    Reflect Physical Damage shows as random props

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