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are no longer using, or who do not know what to do, to new players.
Were in fact added the "Young Donation Box" in New Haven.
These have the characteristic of being able to be opened only by players who possess the status of (Young) but anyone can put in one or more objects.
This initiative can be a help for beginners that have nothing and also an opportunity to get rid of some items that do not serve the more experienced but that others can simplify the first approach to the game.
Donating is easy, at the side of the containers found a white stone (Donator Stone), if you doubleclick on it, you will see the target with which to select the container where you want to drag items to donate.
NOTICE: If any player "scoundrel" decided to put objects unappropriate, to make jokes, be warned right now that may incur penalties at the discretion of Staff.
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